Meditation for Beginners
Meditation is a word we hear everywhere- it is even recommended by doctors as a treatment for the stress of everyday life, but HOW do you do it? It can be overwhelming to start, with all the questions and thoughts you may have, but we are here to help you master daily meditation with our collection of tutorials, articles, tip and tricks and more. Explore below.
Watch the tutorials
Watch our Meditation for Beginners series, exploring everything you need to know to start your meditation journey.
Top Tips for Meditation
Meditation is such a powerful tool, but it can be hard to get started or stick with. You might even question whether you are doing it right, but here are some of my tips for all stages of meditation and overcoming any challenges.
Getting started:
There is no better time to start meditating than today!
Meditation is brain training, we are training our left brain to be quiet so we can access the higher energies of the right brain.
Let meditation become our new normal.
Make it a priority or it just won’t happen.
You can give it a different name if we don’t like the word meditation, but don’t let that stop us from doing it.
Practice. Meditation is like anything else and the more you do it, the better you get.
Learn to love meditation as it is going to transform your life.
Be patient. You will be richly rewarded.
There are a gazillion different ways to meditate. The best way for you is the way you feel drawn or guided to at the time.
Meditate at the same time each day and in the same place for consistency and better results.
Make sure we won’t be disturbed and turn all devices off.
If we miss a day/s just start again the following day. No giving ourselves a hard time or judgement necessary!
The more difficult or traumatic a time we are experiencing, the more important it is to meditate.
Keep it simple as anything complex activates the left/logical/noisy brain.
Take time, just a few minutes to wind down and move from a busy mind to a quieter one, from the left to the right brain.
We can pull oracle cards, select crystals, diffuse oils, play soothing music, burn incense or practice yoga.
During meditation:
Create a simple ceremony to keep our space sacred clear of lower energies and allow access only to higher energies. Light a candle or ring a bell/s or singing bowl are simple ways we can do this.
Consciously switch from outward active mode to inward receptive mode.
Focus on the breath as it brings messages from spirit.
‘Breathe in….. breathe out’ or ‘I am…… my breath’ are 2 simple mantras to help keep attention on the in-breath and out-breath.
Our meditation practice will evolve as we do.
Struggling with meditation:
The left brain brings us thoughts, the right brain brings us guidance.
The busier the left brain/lower mind is, the more thoughts will pop into your head during meditation. When we accept this, meditation gets easier.
Keep going if we feel bombarded by thoughts. Our awareness of them is a really good thing!
Choose not to engage with the multitude of thoughts, just let them go.
The right brain/higher mind is patiently and quietly waiting for stillness, solitude and silence.
If we fall asleep, know that this is what our body needs right now. We just keep practicing every day and one day very soon we will stay awake!
Keep practicing every day as the more we meditate the better life will get. Morning and night is a great goal to aim towards.
Meditation is magical, but it takes practice, patience and perseverance.
Meditation Blog Posts
Read our meditation blogs where we discuss the fundamental basics of meditation, using crystals during meditation and much more.
How crystals can help with Meditation
Crystals are a powerful tool, especially when used during meditation. They can help us release and let go, cement our intentions, remove blockages and more. Here are some common challenges we face with meditation and how crystals can help us overcome them.
Before you begin, make sure all crystals you intend to use are cleansed and charged.
Carry and work with Fluorite to help develop the discipline to start meditating and develop a strong and consistent practice.
Hold or wear calming crystals like Lepidolite, Rose Quartz or Angel Aura Quartz to get in the best possible frame of mind to meditate.
Use grounding crystals like Smoky Quartz, Hematite or Black Tourmaline (dark colours) to become centred and present before we start. They create a stronger connection to the higher energies.
Use high vibration crystals like Clear Quartz, Selenite or Amethyst (light and bright colours) to create a direct line of communication to the higher realms while we meditate.
We can use ‘Grounded and Guided’ crystals like Garnet/Astrophyllite, Preseli Bluestone and Fire Quartz to connect above and below with just 1 crystal!
We can hold crystals while we meditate, have them placed around us, in our lap or just in our sacred space. Whatever feels right at the time.
If we feel the need to move one or exchange it for another crystal then we just follow that feeling and go with the flow.
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