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Crystals for Love

Welcome to day 8 of our 12 Days of Crystals countdown! Today we are looking at crystals for love; self-love, attracting love, living from your heart centre.

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Love is the overriding force in our Universe and we can find our own personal connection to an unlimited supply of it through our heart and it’s energy field.  Pink and green crystals and the healing frequencies they emanate, provide the most fabulous support for the emotional and physical heart.

The heart is the bridge between the lower and upper chakras and is the gateway to our inner guidance and the higher realms. It is our centre of unconditional love, compassion and connection to the present moment and all of creation.

As a major part of our healing process we are shifting our focus from the thinking mind to the loving heart. The heart has emotional intelligence and suffers greatly from grief, loss, and any emotional trauma in this lifetime and all others we have experienced. Our hearts need healing and crystals can gently, but powerfully do this on so many levels.

The heart is the most popular symbol of love and a crystal carved into the shape of a heart symbolises love, emotion and affection. This symbolism then combines with the energy of the crystal it is carved out of to create something very special.

Strawberry Quartz has a beautiful energy that connects us with the Universal heart, instilling a deep knowing of how much we are loved. This inspires us to live joyfully and purposefully in the moment and encourage us to see the humour in even the most challenging situations. It combines effortlessly with any green, pink or heart shaped crystal.

Today's Offer

If you place an order over £20 with any green, pink or heart-shaped crystal included below, you will receive a natural Strawberry Quartz as a gift from The Natural Healer. This deal will be automatically added to any order with a relevant product and will end at midnight (GMT) on the 17th December. Find crystals for creating grids, below.

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